The gift bags have been carefully packed and ready to go to convey love to the children
Overcoming the muddy red dirt roads to find the trip necessary and more meaningful

The Deputy Director enthusiastically removed each shipment to give gifts to the children in the middle of the sun, and the curious eyes of the children

The company’s youth representative spoke
The souvenir picture represents a meaningful spiritual gift to the school and students, wishing them to overcome difficulties and believe in the future that the country’s preschools will always be cared for and supported. household.
Even if we are far away, we are here not only to help children in need, but more importantly, to give them optimism and confidence in a beautiful future.

Goodbye to the innocent students who always smile, goodbye to the teachers who do not manage difficulties who always complete the task of nurturing the country’s preschool.
Although the trip ended, but in everyone’s heart it was like a new beginning… beginning to recover, starting to nostalgia, starting to love, starting to miss… the joyful images of the children, their eyes, That bright smile will be the driving force behind BFC’s efforts for the community more and more.